Saturday, April 9, 2011

Creepy or Cute?

It's beginning to look like Easter all around us. Easter happens to be my least favorite holiday, not because of the spiritual meaning, it's my least favorite because of the candy. I know this might seem like a mundane reasons to dislike Easter but there are some other reasons I dislike the holiday so much: dressing up, looking for hidden stuff in grass and flower beds (think about the bugs), ham, and crappy cartoon specials.

The candy seems to be the worst for Easter. Just think about it. For Valentine's Day the traditional candy is awesome fancy chocolates filled with peanut butter, caramel, and nuts. Halloween's entire purpose is to collect as much candy as possible in as many varieties available. The 4th of July is a boat load of cotton candy and sno cones (which I consider candy). Thanksgiving doesn't have a traditional candy but it does have some really bad ass pies (who doesn't love pie). Christmas is chock-full of homemade candies, cookies, pies, cakes, and snacks anyone could possibly want.

Easter on the other hand glorifies every candy I absolutely hate. Marshmallow, creme, malted, fluffy, gelatinous crap is what I think of when I think Easter. Now don't get me wrong, I can eat and entire dump truck full of the Cadbury Mini Eggs but that's only because they are a magical version of an M&M. Peeps, Cadbury Creme Eggs, Jelly Beans, marshmallow eggs, Whopper Eggs, and anything speckled completely disgust me. Seriously, I just Googled "Easter Candy" and as soon as I saw the results my nose and mouth crinkled up with utterdetestation.

Why am I sharing my dislike of Easter candy?

The Washington Post made me do it.

They hold a Peeps Diorama Contest. I can't decide if I find this creepy or cute.

Ok, obviously Where the Wild Peeps Are is cute!

Cute - Goodnight Moon

This scares the crap out of me!!! The reasons are as follows; birds, Peeps, THE BIRDS.
This one really puts me over the line of cute or creepy. I am already terrified of birds, add in the Hitchcock film, and a Peep dressed like Tippi Hedren and you're demented in my mind for producing this work of terror.

I hope somebody else feels the way I do and I realize that's not likely. I know my ideas of Easter candy might not vibe with you guys but I think I also hate Easter candy because one year my basket had Starburst jellybeans. I actually liked these jellybeans, which was strange because I hated all other Jellybeans. Until I got sick and vomited rainbow all over my parents brand new light colored carpet. I was probably nine or ten and was home alone vomiting all over the house. My parents were not happy when they came home and thus my dislike for jellybeans continues.

There are some really awesome peeps creations going on the the contest.

Check them  out the for yourself HERE.

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